Madison: A Nice Place To Be

Wil and I recently moved to Madison, WI, and we are loving it! Wil has promising job leads at a few very respectable establishments, and I'm working at the University with the Space Science and Engineering Center (sounds cool, right??), studying how satellites see snowfall at Earth's surface. The view from my office! Downtown Madison has the same feel as Ann Arbor, but the whole city is much better laid out (in my opinion) and therefore has little in the way of traffic. It's absolutely glorious. We're also on the hunt for a house, which has been a challenge in compromise. Wil and I agree on almost everything we want in a house, but the housing market here doesn't agree with our budget! Even so, I think we'll find a great first home in the next year or two. Madison is the capitol of Wisconsin. From April to November a huge farmers' market surrounds the whole capitol square! The "Urban Target" here has an escalator for your carts. Incre...