The Never-Ending To Do List
As most of you know, Wil and I are buying a house!! It turns out "house" is actually a synonym for "never-ending To Do list" - I think I've called more people for quotes in the past two weeks than I have in my entire life. However, it's going to be worth it. No more rent payments we'll never get back, no more twinges of guilt when we hang something large on a wall, no more "no pets" clauses. Huzzah! This is probably one of the cutest dwellings ever. One of the best parts about this house is how little it really needs to have done. The garage is a bit of a mess (sagging roof, broken windows, terrible siding), but the house only needs a couple edits to bring it up to code. Our dream stove (and the rest of the kitchen, of course) But what fun is that, right? I love talking about food and my process of learning how to make it, but this is destined to become a DIY blog. We've got big plans for the new place and we'd like to try ...