Big Girl Pancakes

Apparently I've had 80 pageviews over the past few days! I'm not sure where all those pageviews are coming from, but thanks for reading :) Yesterday I actually experimented with food for the first time. I usually experiment by trying new recipes, but this time I switched it up a bit. Therefore I present to you... FRUIT PANCAKES! Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Why is Sam so excited about fruit pancakes? Everyone puts fruit in their pancakes, you just fold in some berries and it's go time!" However, I've always found it weird to bite into a pancake, expecting soft fluffy deliciousness, and instead encounter a berry that bursts and squirts juice all over my clothes. (Yes, that happens. Probably just to me, but whatever.) For a while I've been toying with the idea of replacing liquid in pancake recipes with pureed berries, and yesterday I gave it a try! They. Were. Delicious. I have a Bisquick mix that I got for Christmas (Fu...