So the great Arthur Fiester has informed me that the ninja paparazzi, whom I have not noticed due to the fact that they're ninjas, are demanding another blog post! So here you go, ninjas. I hope you're happy!
My latest, greatest news is that I went to a conference in Atlanta! It was pretty exciting. I presented a poster on my research (which you can see here, if you're interested), which actually garnered a lot of attention and questions! I'm not great with presentations, but I think it went really well. Also, since I'm graduating in August I've started looking for jobs with the help of my wonderful adviser. A few of his contacts at Wisconsin-Madison have some job openings, and they seemed pretty interested in me! We'll see how things pan out...Wil and I are excited for this next step in our lives :)
When I got home from Atlanta I checked in on a kitty--here's a picture of the fierce feline.
I posted this on FB too, but I got new glasses! They're larger than any I've had, but I like them. Young, hip people tell me they're in fashion!
Finally, I woke up to freezing fog this morning. The river next to my apartment was steaming because of the huge temperature difference between air and water, and all bushes and trees were coated in a thin layer of ice. It was absolutely beautiful. The picture below is from my parking lot at school, you can see how the trees are all frosted!
My latest, greatest news is that I went to a conference in Atlanta! It was pretty exciting. I presented a poster on my research (which you can see here, if you're interested), which actually garnered a lot of attention and questions! I'm not great with presentations, but I think it went really well. Also, since I'm graduating in August I've started looking for jobs with the help of my wonderful adviser. A few of his contacts at Wisconsin-Madison have some job openings, and they seemed pretty interested in me! We'll see how things pan out...Wil and I are excited for this next step in our lives :)
I posted this on FB too, but I got new glasses! They're larger than any I've had, but I like them. Young, hip people tell me they're in fashion!
Finally, I woke up to freezing fog this morning. The river next to my apartment was steaming because of the huge temperature difference between air and water, and all bushes and trees were coated in a thin layer of ice. It was absolutely beautiful. The picture below is from my parking lot at school, you can see how the trees are all frosted!
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