
Showing posts from January, 2015

Living it up in Madison

What have Wil and I been up to since the holidays, you may ask? Have a list! 1. Selling ridiculous amounts of rugs to the nice people that visit JC Penney 2. Cooking tasty, tasty food 7-veggie minestrone = delicious 3. Burning off parts of our fingers cooking said tasty, tasty food 4. Submitting a journal article (a.k.a. Why You Should Pay Attention to the Research Into Which I Poured My Soul Over the Last Few Years) 5. Entertaining parents and grandparents and making new friends in Milwaukee We found probably the most German bar in Milwaukee 6. Kicking serious butt at Bananagrams "Existentialism" I made with my first 21 tiles! 8. Playing D&D with our friends! Since our poor Packers are out of the running, we'll be (somewhat grudgingly) cheering on the Seahawks this weekend. Happy Superbowl, everyone!

2015 Begins

Happy belated Christmas and New Year to you all! Wil and I celebrated our first Christmas with a real tree of our very own! We also got to hang with the fantastic Santeiu/Powaser/Ellis/Cemalovic/Schaefer clan in Michigan. I love the holidays because of the family time! Left: who wouldn't be happy to see that face?? Right: our super awesome Christmas tree! Almost immediately after coming home from break I flew out to the 95th annual American Meteorological Society conference in Phoenix, where they broke their high temperature record--well played, meteorologists. The student conference, which I helped plan, went as smoothly as I've ever seen it. I also enjoyed catching up with all the truly fantastic planning committee members! If you're reading my blog and looking to hire a meteorologist when they graduate, hire those people. They won't let you down. AMS awards ceremony. The Phoenix Convention Center has the coolest ceiling of any convention center I've ...