Harry Potter Love

As is my approximately yearly wont, I am re-reading the Harry Potter series. This tends to worry my husband, who doesn't quite understand why I might read a series (or any one book) over and over and over again, when there exist millions of other tomes worthy of my attention. However, the HP series is special. The books came out at such a time that book Harry and real-life Sam were within a couple of years of age, and they were exactly the genre that I simply adored (and still do) - fantasy, magic, hidden worlds, romance, all the good stuff. I remember praying for my letter to come via owl; I remember waiting in line Up North with Dad to get the 4th book at midnight, after which I read the entire 734 pages in about 24 hours; I remember reading either the 6th or 7th book with my best friend but about six hours behind, and wondering why she was crying. I still cry every time Harry goes into that forest at the end!

I was originally going to write a post about the things that the movies got wrong or didn't include (second Dumbledore, all the final battles, Ron and Hermione's first kiss, Peeves, house-elf politics, etc.) but I didn't feel like ranting. Not to mention the internet is full of lists like "10 Things the Harry Potter Movies JUST DIDN'T GET" and "4 Pictures Proving Neville Got Super Hot", and I didn't want to add more clickbait. So this is just going to be a short post, a public service announcement: go re-read the series, or your favorite book of the series, or just that book that you can always turn to, because it always just feels so good.


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