Freiburg, Day 2

Our second day in Freiburg was our first concert day! We spent most of the morning rehearsing at our venue, St. Konrad and Elisabeth Catholic Church. Joining us were the Vocalensemble Breisach and the Junge Kammerphilharmonie. Wil, Grandpa John, and some of the other spouses (they call themselves groupies) had a great time visiting three different museums!

After this we were supposed to have free time and then a celebration of our sister city-ness. However, our coach got stuck in a demonstration by people who want to keep green spaces nearby from becoming neighborhood developments - democracy in action.

We might have made it back to the square like the other coach, except that we were instructed to back up and hit a cone. This is apparently a matter that involves the police, so we sat around for a while as that happened. In the meantime, I learned that newly married couples here go out for a open-top drive, accompanied by tin cans and a honking bridal party! Eventually we were escorted off the bus by the police so we didn't get hit on the street. After finding our way to the market square and scarfing down some bratwurst, we left for our welcome reception with the Freiburg-Madison-Gesellschaft.

The Freiburg sister city celebration allowed us to meet some of the people that made our trip possible and drink really nice champagne. We were situated at the foot of a mount that housed the fortress predating the city! I didn't get to explore as much as I would on my own, but I did climb to the old fortress tower, which affords spectacular city views.

And then we performed! The audience seemed to like us :)


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