Game of Thrones

What are blogs for, if not the occasional rant?

In case you don't know, I am an avid Game of Thrones (the show) fan, despite the overwhelming number of breasts and slit throats in each episode (to be fair, it's all in the books).   My fandom tendencies come from the fact that I devoured the book series A Song of Ice and Fire before the show started (I sound like a hipster!) and have been hooked since.  One of my few wishes for this world is that GRRM publishes those 1500 or so pages of manuscript he's been sitting on before the good Lord decides that He needs an unpredictable author upstairs.

So today's post is brought to you by my general grumpiness and an interview I saw with Natalie Dormer, trying to get information about what happens to Margaery after her king/husband's recent death at their wedding.

Here's my question: do people read books anymore? The media, as well as avid fans of the HBO show, are full to the brim with questions for the actors and writers--what happens to Margaery? How about Jon Snow and Ygritte? Do the Lannisters keep the throne? Does Dany ever make it to Westeros?  Does the hot guy who now plays Daario get to stay so we can drool some more?

Mmmmm yes, that one!
This might come as a surprise, but the answers to all these questions, as well as some awesome plot twists and big reveals, are contained in print.  Print that, in fact, has been available for many years now!  In addition, spoilers for the entire series are listed on the Wiki of Ice and Fire for your Googling pleasure. So pick up a book every now and again, folks (here's a link).  Despite his distinct lack of wedding-planning skill, GRRM's incredible characters and plot may surprise you.

End late night rant.  I hope you all sleep well!


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