The First Full Day

So it's been a full day and here I am, still alive!  I guess that's a good sign. I made it all the way to 6:30pm yesterday before giving in and ordering pizza!  I also watched like 6 episodes of Dr Who because I didn't know what to do with myself with no one to talk to around the apartment.

I did get to talk to Wil though!  He isn't missing out on much here.  When I talked to him it was in the 60s and cloudy, while in Ann Arbor it was 60s and raining.  He just gets pretty mountains and the ocean, nbd.

I've been on a Dr Who kick lately, rewatching all of the newer episodes.  I'm currently on the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant, the best Doctor) and his current companion is Martha Jones.  I'm kind of excited for Donna again, I think she's my favorite overall so far as a companion.  She doesn't fall in love with the Doctor like everyone else, she's fantastic at keeping him humble, and she takes on responsibilities like no one else does.  Granted, each companion has their own big task or event (like Rose absorbing the TARDIS energy or Amy and Rory waiting for ridiculous amounts of time), but I think Donna's special because she comes out of the ordeal differently than everyone else.  Maybe it's just me, but I think she's pretty darn cool.

My current issue is contemplating which flights to buy in order to visit Wil in Cordova.  The dilemma, as it stands now, is pay $850 for a flight with a 9.5-hour layover, or pay $1200 for a flight without that huge layover.  It's what I'll be mulling over in the shower tomorrow morning, after my 6am Zumba class!  I'll sign off for tonight because I need some sleep before my exercise, but I'll talk to you tomorrow :)


  1. Sam! You have a blog! Hi! :D

    Hmm. I might have to start watching Dr. Who again.

    1. I do! I'm hoping this will be a good way to keep myself occupied!

      You should watch Dr Who again.

  2. Contact Uncle Steve... He is a whiz at find awesome deals! LYTTMAB!


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