
Showing posts from January, 2020

Epic Changes

What's new today? Wil's family (Lynn and Theo) were in town for the long weekend, which was just lovely. Since Christmas for us was in Michigan this year, we held a post-Christmas celebration. It was a ton of fun to do everything late: we got the second-to-last 6.5' pre-lit tree from Home Depot for $25, we went on a family shopping trip to Duluth and Eddie Bauer and hit up some impressive winter sales, and we just had a great time. Kaiser "helped" with tree decorating. I made a cute little cross stitch for the MO Tus-house coffee nook! New Duluth winter coat, 50% off! My Arc'teryx is still going strong, but it's starting to fray in a couple places. I will keep it for when the worst cold hits, but my new one should be able to handle most WI winter days. What have I finished lately? I pulled this lobster out of deep hibernation, redid the claws, made some legs, was corrected by Wil about the number of legs, and finally  finished it. Victory!

What are you making?

I don't like the idea of New Year's Resolutions. They're great in theory but nearly impossible in practice. Instead I set goals that I think are reasonable and work toward implementing them throughout the year. So far, I've started tracking my intermittent fasting, making sure to cook at home, and failing to go to the gym (2 out of 3 ain't bad - there's room for improvement). Podcasts caught my attention about 6 months ago, and I'm currently listening to the Yarniacs podcast from the very beginning. It inspired me to attempt more regular blogging! So today I'm going to talk about what I've made recently, what I'm working on, and what my future plans entail. I think it will help me stay on track and not stray from the projects I know I want to do. What have I finished lately? Honestly, I'm really proud of these enchiladas. If there's one thing Wil and I can do very, very well, it's enchiladas. Wil cooked up a beautiful pulled por

2020, a.k.a. the year I might finally start to feel old because I'll be 30 (eeeek!)

Happy 2020, everyone! I hope your new year is off to a good start. Wil and I are both looking forward to changes this year, and we just have to wait and see where they take us. So what has happened lately? On Halloween it snowed a lot, and it hasn't done much else since. For Thanksgiving we drove all over Iowa visiting family and friends. While exhausting, it was a lot of fun and great to see everyone again. After that Wil decided to be festive and I decided to bake more cookies than I've ever made at one time. It was a Christmas cookie year, and it was spectacular. On the top are my ginger molasses cookies. The white ones are pecan balls. The plastic containers have caramel pretzel sandwiches dipped in chocolate and a chocolate/vanilla shortbread swirl. I think I quite outdid myself! Since we were in Michigan for Christmas, of course we did the annual Cabela's trip. John and Anna couldn't join us, so we made sure to remind them of how much we missed them.