2020, a.k.a. the year I might finally start to feel old because I'll be 30 (eeeek!)

Happy 2020, everyone! I hope your new year is off to a good start. Wil and I are both looking forward to changes this year, and we just have to wait and see where they take us.

So what has happened lately? On Halloween it snowed a lot, and it hasn't done much else since. For Thanksgiving we drove all over Iowa visiting family and friends. While exhausting, it was a lot of fun and great to see everyone again.

After that Wil decided to be festive and I decided to bake more cookies than I've ever made at one time. It was a Christmas cookie year, and it was spectacular. On the top are my ginger molasses cookies. The white ones are pecan balls. The plastic containers have caramel pretzel sandwiches dipped in chocolate and a chocolate/vanilla shortbread swirl. I think I quite outdid myself!

Since we were in Michigan for Christmas, of course we did the annual Cabela's trip. John and Anna couldn't join us, so we made sure to remind them of how much we missed them.

This is just a gratuitous reminder of the cutest dog in the world.

And of course...CRAFTS. What kind of blog post would this be without crafts? Come on. The green hat is for Anna! It's the Oslo Hat Mohair Edition knit in Expression Fiber Arts Socklove that I dyed with food coloring, held together with KnitPicks Aloft. The Aloft is why it looks and feels like kittens. It's delightful. The unfinished hat is for Wil: it's a Sockhead Slouch Hat made in this wonderful woolly toothy soft yarn called Coquette Sock from Bumblebee Acres Fiber Farm. I'm jealous that he gets to keep it.


Stash flash! I combined a gift card and a discount code to get some EFA North DK in this great light-teal-grey color. It's a cotton/merino blend and I'm excited to work with it! Though things may change by the time I get through the rest of my projects, this one is destined to become a short-sleeved sweater worked sideways, from armhole to armhole. 

And this is my haul from the Madelinetosh clearout sale. This is a yarn called Euro Sock, and though I haven't used it before, it has great reviews. Since items were disappearing from the clearance site faster than I could click, I went hunting through the less popular colors and ended up with what I think is a uniquely gorgeous combination. It is destined to become a dreamy sweater...once I get through the rest of my carefully constructed and almost sure to fail crafting timeline 😄

Happy 2020 to you all! New years bring new resolutions, but all I'm aiming for is to be healthy, be loving, communicate well, and craft new things. All the rest will work itself out. My best to you and yours!


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