What are you making?

I don't like the idea of New Year's Resolutions. They're great in theory but nearly impossible in practice. Instead I set goals that I think are reasonable and work toward implementing them throughout the year. So far, I've started tracking my intermittent fasting, making sure to cook at home, and failing to go to the gym (2 out of 3 ain't bad - there's room for improvement).

Podcasts caught my attention about 6 months ago, and I'm currently listening to the Yarniacs podcast from the very beginning. It inspired me to attempt more regular blogging! So today I'm going to talk about what I've made recently, what I'm working on, and what my future plans entail. I think it will help me stay on track and not stray from the projects I know I want to do.

What have I finished lately?

Honestly, I'm really proud of these enchiladas. If there's one thing Wil and I can do very, very well, it's enchiladas. Wil cooked up a beautiful pulled pork over the weekend, so that's in there; they also contain onions and peppers, black beans and tomatoes, cheese, and enchilada sauce. A dash of additional sauce and cheese on the top, 20 minutes in the oven at 350F, and voila!

I also finished Wil's Sockhead Slouch hat! This is fingering/sock weight yarn, knit on US 1 needles (so small). It worked up a lot faster than I anticipated with such a small yarn/needle set, but it was also very easy - 3-4 inches of ribbing, 8-9 more inches plain stockinette, decrease for the crown, and you're done. The color turned out great and I adore this yarn, Coquette Sock from Bumblebee Acres Farms.

What am I making?

So many things are on my needles/hooks. It's ridiculous. There's a sweater, a wedding shawl, a double-knit project (front and back are mirrored)... but here are a few receiving particular attention.

Talida is a stole, a long rectangular wrap. I'm using 5 beautiful hand-dyed single-ply merino/silk skeins from my favorite Expression Fiber Arts to make a stole that fades dark-light-dark. I just finished the first section of color 3 and am fading in color 4, so it's about 30% complete. This fell by the wayside when I had some other things to make on a deadline, but I recently joined a KAL (knit-along) to motivate me. This beautiful wrap basically knits itself, it is such a joy.

Wil and I found out that friends of ours are expecting a baby girl in June! They have a woodland theme, so I'm making them this ridiculous cute fat conical bear. Currently this bear comprises only extremities, but he'll have a body soon. I like making all the extra bits first so that when the big body is complete, I can just sew everything on, finish stuffing, and be done. The original bear measures about 9" long. To make my bear a little bigger I went for a yarn 2 categories thicker than called for. I'm using Scheepjes Stone Washed XL, which is a cotton/acrylic blend. Of course, now I'm concerned it's going to be bigger than the bebe, but she'll grow into it :) The bear should be finished with a couple days' solid crocheting - making a big tube for the body is going to be the easiest part.

What am I going to make?

Who knows?? Once the bear is done, my home crafting will be focused on my sweater, the wedding shawl, and the double-knit scarf. My work craft is my Talida stole. However, if I need a break, I have a couple cowls to make out of worsted weight yarn, and they should work up quickly.

I know what you're thinking: "Samantha, that is a hat. Get it together." Yes, I probably need to get it together, but not here! I'm using the cable pattern in this White Frost hat to make a cowl for Wil. I found this spectacular tonal blue, brighter than the picture, in a very wooly wool that will make a lovely squishy warm cowl.

A few months ago I received two free skeins of a lovely grey with purple/red undertones, a merino/tencel mix (great sheen). I started a couple projects with it, but none of them were really right. Then I talked to a friend who lives in a warm climate but still likes the idea of knit things, and this free Growing Leaves pattern leapt to mind. It's going to be a great match for my free skeins.

Thanks for reading! I may be less verbose in the future, but I was excited to start out. Have a great week!


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