October: it feels like fall
It's been three months; can any of you guess how devoted a diarist I was as a child? (Answer: not very.) Since it is Friday and I'm tired, I'll just give you a series of pictures that describe the past few months. I hope you are all all healthy and surviving isolation! Keep your spirits up because someone (me and probably lots of other people too) loves you. Also, make this soup . Hello! From me! I'm very proud of my curly hair! Thanks Dad, Mom, Wil, and The Sow's Ear for this lovely sheepy birthday present! Perhaps my most exciting outing - a piano concert that ended up candlelit because of an electrical failure. It was wonderful. Because who doesn't want to see this cutie? Catching a colorful sunrise one morning. I thought it would a good experiment to make my own sauerkraut. I have now realized that I don't know what good sauerkraut even tastes like so it's coming home with my at Thanksgiving to be judged by the experts. This year's first frost, a...