Adventures in Zumba

I wanted to write today about my early-morning Zumba sessions!  I was very excited (and a little nervous) to sign up for them.  After all, they're at 6:00am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  However, I love exercising in the morning--I'm always more tired in the afternoons, I've been working all day, I might have a here was a chance to exercise in the morning and I jumped on it!

It has not gone well.

Day one: last Thursday.
I woke up at 5:30am with a surprising amount of clarity and energy.  I was excited to go to Zumba!  I haven't exercised all summer because I was in a cast most of the time, so I really need to get back to it.  The previous night I looked up directions to the location and memorized them, so I got there without a hitch at about 5:55am.  The hitch was realized when I discovered I had gone to the wrong location and there was no way I was going to make it to the right one in time!  I drove there anyway, just so I could see the place and remember how to get there.  Sad day.

Day two: this Tuesday.
Alright, so now I know where I'm going for real and am prepared to ZUMBA!!  As I set my alarm and think about making sure I actually take my Mace with me to my car this time...well, my car is not in the parking lot.  In fact, my car is in a parking lot at U-M, about a mile away.  Maintenance re-asphalted our lot on Monday so we couldn't bring any cars in until at least Tuesday morning; I just left my car at work/school on Sunday and didn't think any more of it.  (On the plus side, our parking lot now is new and shiny!)  I made up for it a little bit while walking to my class near the hospital, which takes about 25-30 minutes. So there goes Tuesday...sad day :(

Day three: today! (Thursday again)
OKAY SAM. You've got the proper location, your car is sitting in the parking lot waiting to be driven at 5:40am.  This is gonna happen!
So, dear readers, I use an old-school alarm clock.  I know, join the 21st century and use your phone, whatever.  But I love my little alarm clock!
That's him, right there.  Always an accurate and faithful companion, this alarm clock beeps in a "WAKE UP!" way without being very annoying.  It has a sleep button and a turn-off button.  I use two little dials to set the clock, set the alarm, turn the alarm on, turn the alarm's a great little clock.  But then this morning...note when I took this picture; it's only a few minutes after I woke up completely on my own.  The one thing about this clock that I never remember is that it displays a little red dot for "pm" (vs "am") and a little red dot for "your alarm is set!", one in the top left and one in the bottom left corner.  The problem is...I can never remember which one is which!  So I really did think I set my alarm for 5:30am this morning; turns out my sad, tired little brain set the alarm for 5:30pm.  Needless to say, when I awoke and discovered this, I vowed to always set my phone alarm for at least Zumba days.

On top of it all, I had Frosted Mini Wheats this morning, and I only barely had enough milk to moisten my Mini Wheats.  Le sigh.  Hopefully getting my first biostatistics homework set and having a challenge will perk me up!


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