
Once upon a time, there was a girl who was afraid of the dark.  Then she grew up, went away to college, got married, and...well, silly as it seems, never really got over her fear of the dark.  One day, the girl's husband decided to take a job in Alaska and for the first time she lived on her own!  It was fun and games and pizza for a while, until she heard The Noise.

The girl had just set her alarm for the morning and was about to fall asleep when she heard The Noise.  It was a sound of metal clanking against metal, and it was most definitely coming from inside the apartment.  She immediately called her husband but, as he was occupied at the time, had to communicate via text message.  Her husband decided it had probably just been in her head and was therefore not worried.  But the girl was!  So instead of investigating like a grown-up, the girl sat in her bed with the light on, clutching her phone and her Mace, until she was mostly convinced there was no one in the (deadbolt- and chain-locked) apartment with her.  She then fell into a somewhat restful sleep...with all the lights on.

The next morning, the girl searched all items in the apartment that were metal (or close to something metal).  She clanked all the items against each other but nothing matched The Noise.  To this very hour, she has no idea what the sound could have been!  She thinks that probably, though, she shouldn't watch the scary Doctor Who episodes at night when she's alone.

Will The Noise return?  Stay tuned to find out what tonight brings...


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